Halloween Candy Nutrition Calories, Grams, Ratios and Budget
Instead of ruining the funnest night of the year with “don’t do candy” proclamations, I always like to educate the Mathletes on responsible candy consumption. The national average consumed by children on Halloween is approximately 3000 calories just in candy. Of course, it tapers off during the year but this is alarmingly high. The daily budget of a 6-7 year old low active male is 1,600 calories per day.
Equation Game Dollar Words Algebra
After mastering the ABC valuation method (A=1, B=2 … Z=26) and the ZYX valuation method (Z=1, Y=2 … A=26), I introduced my newest valuation method I call the EAR method. E=26, A=25, R=24 since they are the most commonly used letters in the English language.
Dollar Words ZYXs Descending Value Method
THE DESCENDING METHOD OF VALUATION (a=26, b=25, c=24 ... z=1)
Dollar Words Challenges, Long Words, Cities, and Quotes
This was our second week of algebraic exploration with Dollar Words using an ascending value code. A=1, b=2, c=3, and so on until z=26. Again, I encouraged them to use the acronym EJOTY instead of reciting the alphabet each time. E=5, J=10, O=15, T=20, Y=25. From these five letters, they should add or subtract 1, 2, or 3 to find their letter. So S=19 because it is the letter that comes before T=20.
Dollar Words Ascending Values = 100 Algebra with Addition and Multiplication
This week we introduced algebra to the children with an exercise I call Dollar Words. Algebra uses letters and symbols to represent numbers. The Dollar Word challenge ascribes values to each letter by its position in the alphabet in ascending order. A=1, B=2, C=3 … Z=26. If the sum of all of those values equals exactly 100, it is a Dollar Word.