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Reverse Add Rule for finding Palindromes

Given any number, you can use the following simple algorithm to find other palindromes.


Step 1:

Palindrome Week, Words, n-digit numbers, odometer readings

PALINDROME: In mathematics, a palindrome is a number that reads the same forward and backward. For example, 353, 787, 1331, 42724.


What Is The Largest Number Smaller Than Five?

When my sons were in 11th grade at Dover/Sherborn High School, their AP BC Calculus teacher, Mr. Bridger, used to start every year with a question: “What Is The Largest Number Smaller Than Five?”


Volume and surface area of Human Body, World Population of Living Matter

When doctors see patients, they almost always take two measurements first: height and weight. Yes, they want to track their patient’s progress but more importantly, they need to understand the patient’s volume and surface area for prescribing medicine. 

Volume of Rectangular Prisms, Cubes, and Platonic and Archimedean Solids

Every student is taught the formulas for the volume of a rectangular prism as length times width times height, the three dimensions of a rectangular prism. The answer must be give in cubic units.