Singly Even Magic Squares and Formula for Magic Numbers

The algorithm for singly even magic squares is not easy; it is not for the faint of heart. Singly even squares are 6x6,10x10,14x14,18x18, etc. Follow the pdf attached. 


The formula for finding a magic number without creating a magic square teaches algebra, squaring numbers, dividing numbers by two and multiplying numbers after dividing. In the attached pdf, there is an explanation of the formula and a worksheet where ambitious students can find each magic number from a 3x3 with a magic number of 15 to a 40x40 with a magic number of 32,020. Please show your work. Hint: do not multiply the two factors in the numerator before you first divide the even factor by 2; then multiply this quotient (the factor divided by 2) by the odd factor.


Have fun.

Magic_Squares_Singly_Even_and_Formula.pdf227.71 KB