Kindergarten 3-16 Class Logic-Based Word Problems

Dear Kindergarten Mathlete Parents:

I am exploring a new unit with the Mathletes this year using word problems with a heavy focus on logic and reading comprehension. I am using the problems from a national math competition called Math Learning. Incidentally, I prepared my third grade class at Sage for this competition in the fall and out of 25,000 participants, we came in third in the nation and first in Massachusetts. This result only occurred because of lots of practice and strategic training. 

Each Mathlete class is participating at their grade level or one above. For the kindergarteners, I am exposing them to the 2nd grade level (the lowest grade in the competition). During class they will do these with me using white boards and we will develop strategies for 5-10 types of questions. Then, they will come home with the second grade full-length test (I attach a pdf below for your convenience). It is 20 questions and is intended to take 45 minutes (they can take as much time as they need). I do not have any expectation that your children will be able to take this test on their own. Most of them will have to have the test read to them and will have to work together with a parent or caregiver to facilitate. If you do not have time to do this over the next two weeks, no problem. However, if you do have the time, it would be great if they would take the test in pencil and if you are pushing them to an answer, write that in pen. Then, you should grade them in pen so I can see which questions are correct and incorrect. I would recommend no more than 5 questions at a time. I will be developing a database to track which types of questions are most difficult for them and build on that in future classes.

I am really excited to try this with your children and see if they are excited about logic questions and developing strategies.