Coordinate Points on Graph: First Quadrant (February 14-17)

Every Mathlete was given a picture such as the Cat in the Hat or a Lion on a coordinate plane in quadrant one (all positive coordinates). The challenge this week is the have the children master naming any point on a plane with two coordiantes, the horizontal and the vertical.

I teach this using logic in the context of choosing an elevator and then choosing a floor.  For instance, you would never chosoe the floor first before you got into the elevator. So first look at the point and look down to the number of the elevator on the horizontal axis.  Then decide how high you need to go or what floor to push.

Record your coordinate points in order of the lines in the drawing. The objective is for the Mathlete to be able to create a drawing from just reading the coordinate points. We will start those drawings next week. For now, we need to perfect finding the points from a picture.

Use the attached pdf to try create the coordinate points for The Cat in the Hat, The Porsche, and the Lion.There is also blank paper to create your own drawings.

Coordinate_Points_Cat_Car_Lion.pdf678.41 KB