Alphabetical Puzzles

We continued to explore algebra with alphabetical puzzles. First, I introduced the children to puzzles focusing on the shape of the letters (upper case with straight segments and curved arcs, then lower case with letter size). Second, we looked at sequences using letters representing words. For example, if they would see M T W T F ___  ____, they would notice Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and then finish the sequence with S and S representing Saturday and Sunday. We did puzzles with planets and months of the year.


Then the fun started. We again used the standard valuation of letters and worked with number sentences such as

J + N = ___ . The key is for the children to write the number valuation of 10 above the J and 14 above the N copying the + sign and = as well. It will be clear that the answer is 24 and the appropriate letter is X.

Attached you will find a document with several worksheets and a blank page for them to create their own alphabetical puzzles. I will compile their creations for all students.
