Addition Line Drawing Polygons Polyhedra

As a continuation of our parabolic and exponential curves created with line designs, we did exercises that required them to answer addition questions and then connect sums with the correct answers.

We also used this exercise to have them group answers withing a certain range. For example, if 78 + 12 = 90, we might have had them color all answers in the range of 81-100 red, and so on. This would have created a beautiful design with symmetry and patterns by color as well as checking their addition skills.

Finally, I included several polyhedra such as rectangular prisms, pentagonal prisms, pentagonal pyramid, octahedron, and my favorite, an oblique rombic prism.This is the most difficult: first add the values, then color all surfaces except for tabs, then cut out along the solid perimeter, and finally, fold along the dotted lines. Using a minimal amount of tape, fold the tabs inside the polyhedra to create these solids. Also, store them in a tupperware with a top so they do not get destroyed.

I have attached all of the worksheets as well as the answer key in color and a picture of the solids put together.

Finally, I also attached a document with answers using division. These are fun for the children to see how numbers divide evenly or with remainders. This is appropriate for grades 2 and up.

Addition_LineDesigns_Polyhedra_Polygon.pdf303.94 KB
Addition_LineDesigns_Polyhedra_PolygonAnswers.pdf1.03 MB
Polyhedra_Addition.doc375.5 KB
Division_Answers.pdf518.14 KB