Numerology: Calculate Life Path and Destiny (October 26 - November 1)

Over 2,500 years ago Pythagorus created a society called the Semi-Circles that studied Numerology.

Numerology is the mystical study of the relationship between numbers and physical objects and people. Numerology is to mathematics to astrology and astronomy or alchemy chemistry. It is not serious mathematics, but it is a lot of fun.

Calculating your Life Path number will tell you who you were on the day you were born. You take your birthday and add the digits. You continue adding the digits until you get only a one digit number or the numbers 11 and 22 (considered to be master numbers and the most "powerful"). Then you take your number and read about that Life Path.  The attached pdf gives a short description but the word document gives a detailed description.  You will need to read this with your child to filter the vocabulary.

Calculating your Destiny Number will tell your future and what you can become.  You have to use your full name without nicknames.  Each letter is ascribed a number using the 9x3 grid in the pdf.  Again, you add the digits. You continue adding the digits until you get only a one digit number or the numbers 11 and 22 (considered to be master numbers and the most "powerful"). Then you take your number and read about your Destiny. 

Most students reported that the description was just like them.  Of course, this is fortune telling all of these descriptions will be about most of us.

The attached Excel spreadsheet will help the students calculate the Life Path and Destiny Numbers.  It also contains space for them to write down these numbers for family members  and friends.  Also, I have listed 25 famous people and their birthdays so the children can calculate their numbers as well.

During the week the students should calculate as many of these numbers as possible. I would like to see them pair tens.  I use brackets as in page 5 of the pdf to pair 1 and 9; 2 and 8 and so forth.

The children will need help from their parents relative to their grade.  Yes, we even did this with the Kindergarten class, but I did each Life Path number with the whole group and wrote out their names.  However, they did find the corresponding numbers to each letter and most even were able to pair several tens on their own.

Numerology.pdf161.04 KB
Numerology_People.xls29 KB
Numerology_Lifepath_Destiny.doc66.5 KB